Por Marit Stam, 31 enero 2023

A day in the life of.. Marit

Introduce yourself..

We are Marit (, 33 years old and Cato (5 years old) and we live together with daddy Bram, brother Ted, dog Moos and our chickens in our own built house in Almere. I work two days a week in childcare and Cato has been happily going to elementary school for 1.5 years. We really enjoy going on trips together, shopping for our new house and taking pictures. Cato is a real girl-girl and already very concerned with her appearance. She loves makeup and beautiful hair! That's why we are also fans of the hair accessories from Your Little Miss. Will you read along with our morning routine on a school day?



Morning routine

Every weekday, my alarm goes off at 6:45 a.m. because Cato has to go to school! She is now over five, but I still can't get used to it. We snooze, cuddle and chat in bed for a while when her little brother Ted hasn't woken us up earlier. Between 7:15 am and 7:30 am, we really need to get up. All of us - except Ted - are not morning people here in the house. I always make sure Cato gets dressedfirst, before we have breakfast. Her father usually packs her bag in the morning.



Favorite hair accessories

When Cato has finally been able to choose what she will wear that day, we pick out matching hair accessories from Your Little Miss. Usually we agree on this immediately, but sometimes a discussion follows. I like her to wear her hair fixed on gym days. Catodoesn't always agree, of course. We always work it out together. I only have to show her a nice hair clip or hairband I have in mind and she is enthusiastic. All the hair accessories are also totally her taste, because she chose them herself.




Favorite hair style

Cato gets to eat her breakfast while enjoying a movie and in the meantime I do her hair. I prefer to see her with two buns on her head with two cute hair clips in them, but she prefers a high ponytail. This also looks very good on her and a nice hair clip can go with that too!




Stay in place

At 8:15 a.m. we leavehome to go to school. Once Cato is in school, I make my own breakfast and start the day with a cup of tea when the baby is snug in bed. After school, the hair clips from Your Little Miss are still so good in her hair! I'm always a little worried about her losing her prettiest hair accessories anyway, but with these hair clips that's never the case!








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